Here is some Autumn Poetry most graciously donated by Judith A.Lindberg

Fall Haiku


topaz memory

floating on rainbow waters

tears and treasures, one


cloisonné carpeting

a bed of autumn rubies

stark topaz vision


fire-kissed forest bows

to white-winged fall wanderlust

secret reverence


artistry in flight

marvelous masterpieces

painting life lessons

Awakening Smiles


Memories steeped in the years past,

Moments that linger, asleep for a while,

But that awaken to visit our heart spaces.

Like a soothing cup of tea, warm and cozy -

A reminder that we are loved.

So we smile, make a wish, and remember.

Mood Mix


Beaches are sometimes solitary stretches

Of endless sand, void of any human -

A time to walk and reflect,

To collect and contemplate,

Picking up a polished stone,

Tossing wishes to the stars.


Beaches are comfortable,

Havens of harmony when calm,

Tumultuous and wild when stormy.


Whatever the season,

Beaches are a mix of mood and magic

In the endless, shifting sands of time.



Bry-Back Manor