Collect The Apples Game 


To Play


Decide which player goes first. The player spins the spinner. The player collects the number of apples indicated on the spinner. If the player lands on the squirrel or the dog, two apples are returned to the pile or tree. It is now another player's turn. The first player with ten apples wins.

The simple version of the game includes the game spinner and the game cards. If you are feeling more crafty, you can print out the game spinner and make up some appletrees and applebaskets to hold your apples.


1. Print out and put together the game spinner.

2. Print out and cut apart the game cards.


3. Print out and put together the game spinner.

4. Print out and put together the appletrees.

5. Print out and put together the baskets.

6. Print out and cut apart the apples.


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