The Too Small House
Once there was a leprechaun who lived in a little house on the edge of the wood. While he liked his little house very much, he began to think it was a little small. So one day he went to the wise princess who lived in the same land.
"My house is too small," said the leprechaun to the wise princess. "What should I do?"
The wise princess told the leprechaun to go to the cave on the other side of the wood and invite the man with the lamp who lived there to come and live in his small house. The leprechaun did as the princess suggested and the man with the lamp came to live in the small house. A few days later the leprechaun went again to see the wise princess.
"My house is still too small," said the leprechaun to the wise princess. "What should I do?"
The wise princess told the leprechaun to go to the old farm in the meadow and ask the farmer if he could have his geese and prize pig stay at his small house. The leprechaun did as the princess suggested and the geese and the prize pig came to live in the small house. A few days later the leprechaun went again to see the wise princess.
"My house is still too small," said the leprechaun to the wise princess. "What should I do?"
The wise princess told the leprechaun to go deep into the forest and ask the fairy princess and her pet mouse to stay at his small house. The leprechaun did as the princess suggested and the fairy princess and her pet mouse came to live in the small house. A few days later the leprechaun went again to see the wise princess.
"My house is still too small," said the leprechaun to the wise princess. "What should I do?"
The wise princess told the leprechaun to go to the deep pond and ask the frog prince and the dinosaur who hid in the cat tails to stay at his small house. The leprechaun did as the princess suggested and the frog prince and the dinosaur who hid in the cat tails came to live in the small house. A few days later the leprechaun went again to see the wise princess.
"My house is still too small," said the leprechaun to the wise princess. "What should I do?"
The wise princess told the leprechaun to go to the deepest part of the wood and ask the tiny pixies and their flying horse to stay at his small house. The leprechaun did as the princess suggested and the tiny pixies and their flying horse came to live in the small house. A few days later the leprechaun went once again to see the wise princess.
"I have done all you have said and my house is still too small," complained the leprechaun. "In fact, I can barely move in my own home. The man with the lamp has bunnies popping out everywhere. The geese and prize pig are making quite a mess. The fairy princess and her pet mouse are dancing all day long. The frog prince keeps hopping after the fairy princess and the dinosaur who hid in the cat tails plays his guitar far too loud. The pixies are quiet enough, but their horse is always knocking me over with her wings."
The wise princess thought a moment. Then she told the leprechaun to send all the guests back to their homes.
The leprechaun returned the next day.
"You won't believe it," said the leprechaun. "Now that all my guests have returned to their homes, my small house seems absolutely huge! I want to thank you for all of your advice wise princess."
The wise princess just smiled.